Dr. Joseph Ndinoshiho
I appreciate you taking your valuable time to visit the University of Namibia (UNAM) Library website. Our Library comprises of multiple branches, reflecting UNAM’s multi-campus system. All our facilities, services and resources are aligned to the university’s strategic plan, and geared towards supporting the university’s academic and research goals. This website is our virtual space in the global web of information, but it only represents part of the library services. Our electronic journal and eBook collections are supplemented by a volume of over 180 000 print books and nearly 300 print journal titles. It therefore gives me great pleasure to invite you to also visit our physical space and discover a wealth of book and print journal collections specifically acquired to support the university curricula.
We are committed to supporting you with your informational needs. However, we are also mindful of the fact that no library in the world can claim to be self-sufficient. If you can’t find what you are looking for, consult our librarians to get the resources you need through Inter-Library Loan service. Our competent librarians are there to provide timely responses to your academic and research information needs. The library’s operating hours goes beyond 17h00 most of the days during the academic terms. So you have ample time to interact with our librarians and access our rich collections. You may also bring your laptop to access Internet via our wireless network.
I invite you to explore our website and trust that you will find our resources useful in meeting your academic and research information needs.
I wish you a fruitful browsing of our website.